Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sister Islands


Sister Islands, Green Bay.  Image is composite of eight overlapping frames arranged as two rows of four.  This scaled down image is not as sharp as the 10megapixel original.

It was as cold as it appears.

Nikon D70, f/l: 210mm; Exposure: f/18, 1/100s, ISO 320; Auto focus.


  1. I wanted to thankyou so much for helping me fix my blog with your answer on the Blogger help site. I call you me Christmas elf. We weren't getting anything for Christmas this year (my hubby and I) so that our 4 small children could get presents, but your act of service by fixing my blog is the best Christmas present ever. I am such a blogger that if it doesn't look or work right it can really aggrevate me! Thanks so much Mr. Elf.
